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2023-12-08 14:05:56 1037浏览



break away 突然离开、革除(习惯、信仰、思想方式) 

break away from 脱离……、离开、背叛 

break down 破坏、压倒、发生故障、失败、分解(化学反应)break in:闯入、打断(谈话等)、训练成为 

break into 闯入……、侵占、占用 

break off 折断、断绝、突然中断 

break off from 跟……断绝关系 

break out 发生、逃脱、爆发(战争)、发生(火灾、疾病、争吵、骚乱) 

break up 开垦、破坏、解散、结束、(指人)衰弱 

break with 与……绝交、放弃

break a bone 折断骨头

break a code 破译密码

break a habit 改掉一个习惯

break a law 触犯法律

break a promise 食言

break a record 打破纪录

break a window 打破窗户

break ground 破土动工

break new ground 开拓新天地

break the news 发布消息

break someone’s heart 伤透某人的心

break the rules 违反规则

break the silence 打破沉默

break the spell 解除咒语


Who broke down the doors of our classroom?谁把我们教室的门打坏了?

The police broke up the crowd (the meeting). 警察驱散了人群(集会)。

he weather shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样要过去了。

Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来,偷走了他的相机。

They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。

When did the war break out?这场战争是什么时候爆发的?

You must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。

It was a cloudy day,but the sun at last broke through.原本是个阴天,不过太阳最后还是出来了。

This athlete has just broken the world record in men's high jump. 这名运动员刚刚打破了男子跳高世界纪录。

To tell you the truth,the bad news broke my heart at that time. 说实话,那时这个坏消息使我悲痛万分。

【break】(broke, broken)

及物动词(使)破; 打破(纪录); (常指好天气)突变; 开始

不及物动词突破; (嗓音)突变; 破晓; (价格)突然下跌

名词破裂; 中间休息; 间断; 短假

① (使)破裂;(使)破碎;(使)折断

The plate dropped and broke into pieces.盘子掉下来摔碎了。

The boy fell off the tree and broke his leg.那男孩从树上跌下来摔断了腿。

② (使)坏掉;损坏

My watch has broken.我的手表坏了。

③ 违反;违背

break a promise/ an agreement/one's word违背诺言/违反协议/食言

④ 暂停;稍停

Shall we break for lunch now?我们停下来吃午饭好吗?

⑤ 打断;中止;结束

broke their conversation.我打断了他们的谈话。

⑥ 放弃(习惯)

break the smoking habit戒掉吸烟的习惯


His spirit never broke throughout the hardship.历经苦难,他的精神不垮。


一、break 名词、动词。作名词时表示“间歇、休息时间;打破、决裂”。作动词时表示的意思非常多。break作“休息”时,是指工作间的休息,一般是比较短暂的休息。例如:

Let's take a short break for lunch. 我们休息一下,吃午饭。

She's worked for 27 hours without a break.她连续工作了二十七小时了,没有休息一下。

二、rest 名词、动词。作名词时表示“休息、倚靠的地方,其余的(人或事)”。作动词时表示“休息(不及物动词)、使得到休息(及物动词)、安静下来、安心、安息(埋葬的委婉说法)”。rest在指“休息”时。无论是动词还是名词一般指较长时间的休息。例如:

Try to get some rest, you have a busy day tomorrow.休息吧,你明天还要忙一天呢。

There are no matches tomorrow, which is a rest day , but the tournament resumes on Monday .明天是休息日,没有比赛,但是星期一继续比赛。