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date back to的用法

date back to的用法

2023-12-04 17:05:26 7171浏览

date back to意思是追溯到…,从…开始。强调某物开始的时间,一般不用于被动语态,常用于一般现在时,关于date back to的用法如下:

date back to的用法

date back to:追溯到…,从…开始,date back to后面加某一个过去时间的具体时点,通常翻译成: 发生在过去……的时候。

读音:英 [deɪt bæk tu] 美 [deɪt bæk tu]

1、The progenitor of this class of problems may date back to pre-Greek times.


2、My family has a vase, which is said to date back to Ming Dynasty.


date back to用什么时态?

date back to 是一个动词短语,这个短语的意思是“追溯到”,意思是从眼下现在往前追,所以如果它在句中用作谓语,应该使用一般现在时态。同时该短语不能使用被动语态形式。比如,This tradition dates back to the ancient time. 这个传统追溯到古代。

date back to有被动吗?

没有。date back to=date from同有“追溯到”的意思,为不及物动词,不用被动语态。

back to中的back是副词,强调从现在起“回溯到……”.date back to强调某事物开始的时间,一般不用被动结构,常用一般时。

date back to放在句首怎么用?

date back to放在句首,通常作状语,所以需要变成非谓语动词,即:dating back to,例如:

Dating back to the Ming Dynasty,the temple has had a history of more than 500 years,despite the many ups and downs.

尽管历史跌宕起伏,这座寺庙可追溯到明朝,已经有了500多年的历史(本句中,dating back to位于句首作状语)

date back to与date back的区别:

一、date back to的含义及用法

date back to意为回溯至,后面加某一个过去时间的具体时点。例句有:

1、The modern soil classification in China could date back to 1930s.


2、The concept of economic law, date back to the 18th century.


二、date back 的含义及用法

date back意为追溯(到);开始(于);始建(于)。后面加一段时间。例句有:

1、Speculations about why we sleep date back to before the days of Aristotle.


2、Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth century.


date back to和date from的用法:


date from:始于…

date back to:追溯到…,从…开始。



This church dates back to 1173.


The custom dates from the time when men wore swords.


在句子中做非谓语动词时,永远用dating back to/from.

The vase ,dating back to Qing Dynasty, is very beautiful.

date back to造句

1、This castle dates back to Roman times.


2、The sale also features Britain's most extensive collection of historical cookbooks, some of whichdate back to the reign of Henry VIII.


3、This tradition candate back to the Sundiata Gaines.


4、The stone circle is said todate back to 3200 BC and is a vision in itself.


5、Pakistan's blasphemy lawsdate back to the colonial era.


6、Microsoft's forum contains 476 pages of complaints about lost and deleted e-mails thatdate back to early November.
